Digital Metering Systems Program
The benefits of digital metering systems are well documented, from improving operational efficiency to contributing to future water security.
As digital meters are investigated and rolled out by many water corporations, there are opportunities to work together as an industry for the sake of efficiency and to ensure the benefits of digital metering reach everyone.
This program aims to do this. It focuses on sharing knowledge, learnings and resources between water corporations to streamline digital metering adoption and management throughout our membership organisations. Find out what we’re working on below.
Program Manager: Lisa Ryan, North East Water
Deputy Program Managers: Kevin Cheong, South East Water.
Watch the program update at our recent members conference.
Current projects
Digital metering projects
This is one of our newer programs, established in 2020. It is currently focusing on several projects, including:
Digital Metering State of Play report. In 2021, we released a State of Play report about digital metering in the Victorian water industry - this is available to members and a de-identified 2021 report is publicly available. We have recently updated this report for 2022, covering our expanded membership base of Victoria and Tasmania (the full report is available to members and this de-identified 2022 report is available publicly ).
A Snapi AI meter reading device trial. The Snapi device (pictured above) enables water corporations to digitise analogue water meters to save the time, cost and complexity of a smart-meter program. We are currently investigating the potential of a trial with TasWater.
Digital metering installation guide. We are looking into developing a best-practice installation guide for our member organisations.
Technical database. We are also assessing the potential of developing a technical database on digital meters for our member organisations.
Completed projects
So far, this program’s main project has been the initial State of Play report (released in 2021), capturing the status of digital metering in Victoria. It was the main focus of our program in the beginning, aiming to provide a base for water corporations to inform decisions and actions. The full report is available to all our member organisations - you can access it via our Knowledge Hub or by emailing us on (a de-identified version is available publicly).