Submissions open for 2020 Knowledge Sharing Conference

Submissions are now open for the 2020 Knowledge Sharing Conference, to be held on Friday 27th March at Western Water.

The Knowledge Sharing Conference is designed to promote grassroots innovation from all areas of Victorian water industry and is a great way to network with peers.

We are looking for presenters to share what changes they have made within their role or team and any meaningful impact that has resulted. Presentations should be 10-15 minutes and radical thinking or blue-sky submissions that stretch our mindsets are encouraged!

To submit, send a short abstract of 100-200 words to with a CC to your organisation’s IWN Champion.

Presentations should be on the following themes:

  • Innovation and technology

  • Drought and climate change adaptation

  • Customer, community and incident response o Smart networks and infrastructure

  • Energy and zero waste

Please discuss and submit your abstract with your IWN Champion so that they have visibility. The abstract should include the following: Title, topic, presenter name, short presenter bio, a brief description of the presentation.

Any questions or queries should be made to your IWN Champion or directly to

Submissions close on the 28th February. Notification of successful submissions will be 6th March 2020 (via IWN Champions).


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