OSIsoft PI shows how asset performance can be measured and evaluated

One of the OSIsoft PI objectives was to demonstrate that asset performance, in this case pumps, could be measured and easy evaluated using the PI System.

All water authorities are aware of the importance of operating and maintaining assets in a way that minimises wear and maximises efficiency. 

One way to ensure optimised operational and maintenance efficiency is to monitor pumps and compare it with a manufacturer’s efficiency curve.  By doing so we can understand the cost impact of inefficient operation, choose an optimal point to carry out maintenance that balances increased operational costs with maintenance costs, measure effectiveness of maintenance (improvement in efficiency) and take a holistic, strategic view of asset performance and make better informed capital replacement decisions.

The PI System provides user-configurable analyses features, which allows standard algorithms such as pump efficiency to be integrated into the data model and used in displays and alerts.  In this case we can easily calculate pump efficiency and compare it with the manufacturer’s curve in real time using data available through OT systems.  This data can be delivering through ‘live’ real time dashboards showing asset or maintenance managers at a glance the current and past performance of individual pumps.

The flagship trial demonstrated capture of operational data and ‘target’ efficiency data for one sample pump in a single data model and was able to provide analysis of pump efficiency across typical operating speeds in real time as data is received and the presentation of data in a web-based dashboard.

The flagship trial showed that asset performance calculations can easily be implemented in the PI System, creating efficiency in asset analysis over manual processes and more importantly providing the information needed to support decision. Intelligent Water Networks (IWN) expect to see reduced maintenance costs and better strategic capital expenditure decisions informed by data.

The trial will help to answer questions such as: is it OK to run a slightly underperforming asset or does it make more sense to do maintenance? Although the maintenance schedule indicates maintenance is due, does the data indicate the pump is running well? Although maintenance has been done is the pump actually performing well?  Was the maintenance effective or did it introduce an issue? The pump has nominally reached the end of its life but is it running well and historically are we spending more on maintenance due to its age or is it OK?

There are immediate savings in making better informed decisions and over time the performance of individual pumps, sites or manufacturers can be assessed to inform buying decisions.

Data & Analytics Program Lead David Bergmann said: being able to see and compare performance of our assets will lead to optimisation of asset life and improvements in our operational efficiencies.


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2019 IWN knowledge sharing conference call for submissions