Digital metering in Victoria

Digital metering implementation and use varies across Victoria. A new industry report takes a holistic look at the status of this technology in our state, providing a baseline for shared knowledge and resources.

Digital metering is widely accepted by the water industry across the globe. If well managed, the benefits to networks and customers outweigh the initial investment. The technology is mature and in future, more water meters will be fitted with transmitters by default.

So where is Victoria at with this technology, and what can we learn from knowing this?

At Intelligent Water Networks (IWN), these questions led to the newly released Digital metering state of play report. We worked with all Victorian water corporations to compile this report. It provides a detailed analysis of digital metering covering the roll out status, challenges, strategies, suppliers, future plans and more.

We have done this work to provide a baseline of data and information for the Victorian water industry, as one way of assisting digital metering implementation to benefit corporations and customers. Through knowledge sharing, we are able to help inform individual corporation decision making. The report will be complemented by other industry wide tools that our Digital Metering Program is working on, including a state-based business case and economic model template.

How to access the report

Article written by: Jacinta O’Connor, Asset Optimisation Engineer at Goulburn Valley Water and IWN’s Digital Metering Program Manager.


Q&A with IWN Chair, Paul O’Donohue


Q&A with our new Assistant Program Director