Big Data and Analytics OzWater proposal accepted

Big Data and Analytics program lead David Bergmann has successfully submitted a proposal to facilitate an IWN workshop  at the OzWater’19  Melbourne conference in May.

David will be facilitating a workshop on ‘Opportunities for Artificial Intelligence in the Water Industry’. In the workshop, participants will learn about artificial intelligence, hear experiences with AI from the water industry and work together to define problems and match solutions.

More data brings more insights and transformation opportunities – but only if analysed, interpreted, communicated and understood correctly. Advanced techniques such as artificial intelligence are able to draw correlations and conclusions beyond our current comprehension. This provides the opportunity for new and transformational initiatives and services for our customers, and step-changes in operational efficiencies for our organisations.

The workshop aims to bring together water authorities and technology solution providers, so that knowledge of AI and the problems it can solve will be increased and potential collaborations can be initiated.  To ensure collaboration opportunities are realised the outputs will be captured and follow-up incorporated into the Data and Analytics Program of the Intelligent Water Networks.


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