April Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration webinar announced

The April webinar for Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration has been announced by Program Manager Michael Thomas.

This series aims to share information and knowledge on topics of relevance and professional interest for the Intelligent Water Networks (IWN) community.

On Friday 24th April at 11am IWN are lucky to be joined by Natasha Ogonowski and Matt Walsh from Water Corporation, who will provide a presentation on “Digital Metering in The West”.

WaterCorp have been doing some outstanding work in this area; their H2OME Program having swept a host of innovation awards. This webinar is essential viewing for those utilities undertaking digital metering roll-outs or planning future ones.

The recording will be made available on the IWN Knowledge Hub following the conclusion of the webinar, which can be access via this link: https://zoom.us/j/96318700453

Advice for those joining in:

  • Make sure you are on Mute (audio mute button is lower right);

  • Do not display your video unless needed (video mute is lower right)

  • Strongly encourage questions to be asked via the ‘chat’ function;

  • Timings. Start time is 11am. 25 – 30 min presentation followed by 10 mins q and a.

  • Be flexible


Digital Metering Systems program announced


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